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Our highly effective yet gentle form of hypnosis can transform your life in as little as one session!

Find out how we can help you below. 


Fertility and women's health

We offer specialised hypnosis for women struggling to conceive either naturally or via IVF. 

The mind-body connection is a powerful one and that is often overlooked.

If you've tried everything to get pregnant, this is for you!



What's holding you back?

 What's holding you back from living up to your true potential?

If you've played small your entire life yet deep down you sense that you're destined for more, it's time to look into what's actually holding you back. Why can't you achieve your hearts desire? 

If not now, when?

If your life isn't where you want it to be right now, you've come to the right place!

Contact us to discuss your specific concerns.

We're sure we can help.

Nick, 34

"Neeta is really amazing. I was actually shocked by how great it went. She's a wizard! I feel so grateful to have met her!"
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