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Client reviews

Prior to starting hypnosis, clients are asked to score how much the issue they're seeking treatment for is affecting them on a daily basis (using the SUDS scale below).

At the end of the session, clients are again invited to re-evaluate their emotional state. 

Below, you can find client reviews featuring their SUDS scores, along with the number of sessions required to attain their desired results


Use this final.jpg

**Please note: results are not guaranteed**

Treatment for weight loss/ emotional eating:

"Ahhhhh I can't believe it!!! I don't get up in the middle of the night anymore to eat. After over a year of this happening without fail I cannot believe that I'm not getting up! It feels weird to actually be having a normal breakfast, lunch and dinner. I had a pizza the other day and didn't feel guilty about it. I certainly don't think I'm "fat" anymore! Ah I can't thank you enough. I also have noticed things such as usually I would feel irrationally impatient if I had to wait too long to be served at a bar, whereas, on Saturday, when faced with a long queue I felt so calm and quite happy for it to take as long as it needed to take. I feel so much calmer in the general. Other people have noticed that I have been calmer.  I feel as if I have slept so much more than I was.

It was truly wonderful. I came out smiling, strengthened and full of hope. I've been smiling ever since. Neeta is extraordinarily kind hearted, sensitive, personal and clearly so passionate at what she does. It was above and beyond what I expected. Thank you so much”

James,  25

Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 10 

After treatment SUDs scale: 1

UPDATE: "It's been almost a month since I had this experience with Neeta and I still cannot stop talking about it to my friends. I would urge anyone who has an issue no matter how small or large to go and experience what Neeta has to offer because it was truly eye opening and I will remember it for a long, long time. Thank you so so much."

Treatment for fear of public speaking (wedding speech):

"Thank you so so so so so so so much...! You're absolutely amazing!!!!! Like damn!!!

You can truly work magic!!! : )


It went amazing and everyone (still to this day) is talking about how good/ funny it was! Even the night before I was practising it in front of like 10 people and it was easy... 


And then doing it on the actual night... I felt nervous (but I think that was excitement)... but when I got on stage, I was totally fine!! ; ) 

It felt unreal! Like I was almost through the speech and I was like .. rah... I could still keep going! LOL.

But this is all down to you... you helped me crazy amounts. I never thought I could do something like that in front of 350 people!


So I just wanted to say thank you so much. What you have done, I don't think words can describe! "

Shilan,  32
Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 9

After treatment SUDs scale: 1

Treatment for pain management for client with autism, selective mutism and costochondritis:

"This piece (artwork below) is of Neeta, my hypnotherapist and it it’s about my hypnosis sessions with her. In this piece I wanted to show the importance of getting down to the root cause of the issues she’s been helping me with. We keep picking things apart until memories start to unravel and i feel parts of me setting free, it’s like a huge realisation and things start to make sense. The bright splashy colours are symbolic of my own emotions after my sessions Neeta always lifts my spirit up and makes me feel as strong as ever, I feel like I could conquer the world. After my sessions I have bursts of energy and realisations that can sometimes feel overwhelming like my thoughts are EXPLODINGGGGGGG. I just want to say a huge thank you to Neeta, meeting you has been life changing. You’ve already helped me achieve so much and I’m looking forward to progressing more. I can honestly say I’ve never had a much faith in a therapist than I have in Neeta."


Lauren, 19

Zoom sessions

Update from Lauren's Mother (after 3 sessions):

"More than 10 years failed by a mental health system who've passed my daughter from service to service watching unsupported damage spiralling as she was left feeling everyone just gave up on her. Until we met Neeta. The one constant proactive practitioner to begin to make a change. When we first met I don't think any of us really realised how complex the damage is. No mountain is too high for Neeta, she's proving that every day. My daughter who usually takes months to trust people instantly warmed to Neeta’s warm charisma and dedication helping her feel listened to. My heart is filled with joy when I hear my angel using the tools she's taught by Neeta then seeing her empowered by them. Neeta is just amazing."

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Treatment for smoking 20 cigarettes a day:

"Hi Neeta, 

You are an amazing individual whom I will remember for my remaining years on this earth. 


I never considered my life journey thus far to be one to fuss over. By identifying that I have indeed experienced trauma and that I am a strong individual I feel ready to finally start a new chapter in my life. Its as if all I needed was acknowledgement of this and you gave me that, so thank you. 

I have stepped into the new me like you said I could as soon as our conversation ended. 

It's amazing to think that i am now responsible for looking after my inner child as I know I will never let her down and will always protect her. 

I have a few moments a day where I feel I want a cigarette but consider this to be only the drug leaving my body. 

However, I would still very much like the affirmations we came up with to be sent to me as soon as you can please as I really do need to re-train my mind, especially my coping mechanisms of handling stress! Was also thinking whether or not we could have another session in a few weeks time to really consolidate things, or perhaps to discuss alternative ways I can handle stress. Is this a topic you might cover? 


Anyway, until we speak again, I really wanted to say how thankful I am that the universe guided you to me. You have honestly changed my life by giving me back my life! You are amazing at what you do and I really appreciate the time you took to help change my BS! Any child 0-7 that has you in their life is very blessed indeed : ))" 

Jade, 29 

Number of sessions: 1

Before treatment SUDs scale: 6

After treatment SUDs scale: 1

Treatment for fear of rejection:

"Thank you for being an inspiration and sharing your gifts with me - you're changing my life and helping me overcome stuff I've struggled with my entire life.

Life is getting better each and every day - I can just feel it."

Reena,  36

Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment 
SUDs scale: 8

After treatment SUDs scale: 1

Treatment to stop drinking alcohol:

"I wanted a subconscious change.

Prior to meeting Neeta I was a general sceptic, however there is a 100% change in my thought pattern with wanting to drink alcohol. I have tried to think I would like a drink but my mind doesn’t even allow me to think that thought. I must say it is rather strange, so at this moment I am very grateful, I’m positive it will last."

Lindsay,  50

No of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 9

After treatment SUDs scale: 1

Treatment for difficulty conceiving:

"Thank you Neeta for my first hypnosis session. Neeta you were so understanding and empathetic during the session which made me relax and open up more.
I felt the hypnosis part of the session brought out a calm/relaxed feeling I had not experience for a while.  The session revealed the underlying issues which were holding me back from conceiving,

The goal was to help eliminate any thoughts and doubts I had which were blocking me from conceiving a baby.  Prior to the session I had my fertility tested, all results were fine. However, I still had doubts and felt that I needed further tests.  

Conceiving a baby became a project for me. I had googled/researched everything possible about pregnancy and became really frustrated/ sad/ anxious that I had not yet conceived a baby despite doing everything possible. I started not to enjoy the process and felt a lot of pressure which lead to anxiety attacks.  Since my session I have not yet had an anxiety attack, I have felt less anxious and learnt how to calm my thoughts to control these feelings.

During my session, I discovered I did not have any confidence in myself and my body. I realised that my thoughts/feelings were affecting me physically hence the reason I had been suffering from anxiety attacks prior to my session.

I was fully relaxed after my session with Neeta. I felt light and calm, like a whole weight had been lifted off my shoulders.  The session revealed all my doubts and feelings I had about conceiving a baby and after receiving 10 new affirmations (from Neeta) my doubts had started to fade away instantly.

After the session I have learnt how to control my thoughts and anxiety better. I have changed my outlook on how to conceive a baby and I feel a lot more confident in myself and finally enjoying the process my own way.

Neeta helped me recognise where I was going wrong and gave me the vital tools to eliminate the issues.


One thing I have learnt during the process of conceiving a baby is that your mind and body need to work in harmony. Eating the right food, exercising and taking pre-conception vitamins etc all contribute to preparing your body to conceiving a baby. However, after the session with Neeta I discovered a healthy state of mind is one of the most important factors. I gained a better understanding on how doubts/negative thoughts/pressure can lead to physical anxiety attacks (prior to my session I had suffered from a physical lump in my throat, palpitations/chest pains and crying from my anxiety).  

I felt the affirmations were especially helpful, they were tailored to me and my experiences. I read them daily and they have helped me when a doubt enters my mind and I start to feel anxious.  I feel a lot more centered and happier.  I have no doubt in good time I will conceive a baby.

The session has been life changing and not only did it help me gain more confidence in myself and body to conceive a baby, it also helped me control my anxiety. 

Neeta you are truly gifted and I cannot thank you enough for the help and advice you gave me during this session."

Sophia, 38

Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale 8

After treatment SUDs scale 1

Treatment for pain management (period pain):

"I had terrible period pain and it was affecting all of my life. The pain was too strong and I was feeling tired, moody and lazy.

But now, this period term I didn't feel the pain too much . On my third day l did yoga for 1 hour 15 mins and I did a run for 30 mins... that's what l want ...  I am going to gym 2-3 hours then meeting with my friends , living the day fully and don't get tired easily like l used to be.

That was an amazing experience, it's working on me very well.. I am reaching my goals.."

Ozlem,  35

Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 10

After treatment SUDs scale: 2

Treatment for anxiety in relationships:

"I am always anxious, particularly in relation to relationships. I find myself obsessing, as well as being paranoid and horribly jealous


Neeta is really, truly amazing.

To say it changed my life wouldn't really be an exaggeration. I went in feeling extremely sad, anxious, depressed and stressed. I really felt like Neeta listened to me, and we had a really long and friendly informal chat before the session. She listened to everything really carefully and made notes. She was empathetic and said some really insightful and helpful things. Then the session began! I couldn't quite explain what happened next, but if you have never had hypnotherapy, it's not quite what you expect, but afterwards I left feeling so much relief. 

Later on that day I felt a shift. A change in my mood, in myself, and after that things started to look up. I felt happier, calmer and less anxious. I know that it's not a magical cure, but it definitely gave me the ladder out of a deep hole that I needed. 

I would definitely recommend her, and hypnotherapy in general.


Thanks Neeta!

Jen, 27

Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 8

After treatment SUDs scale: 4


Treatment for smoking (smoker for 28 years):

"I was extremely nervous, I had never had Hypnotherapy before. Neeta greeted me with warmth and patience and this really helped me to relax.

Neeta asked me some very interesting questions about my relationship with smoking, I opened up a lot of feelings I had not shared before. She helped me to face the honest truth about smoking.

The actual hypnotherapy was very deep, I felt totally relaxed, Neeta guided me through a meditation I felt very moved. Then Neeta brought me out of the meditation very carefully.

Neeta was very caring, she did not rush me, or talk down to me. She was very honest and very professional.  I could tell she really genuinely wanted to help me become a Natural Non- Smoker. I would recommend her for sure.

I would recommend Neeta because I walked in with a bad habit that was ruining my life, and I walked out feeling fresh, strong and a NON-SMOKER woo hoo!"

Amanda, 46

Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 10

After treatment SUDs scale: 1


Treatment for a 30 year fear of injections:

"I couldn't have an injection without worry, fear, passing out or being sick"

After 90 minutes of Hypnotherapy and within less than 24 hours...

"Well thank you so much. No fear going to injection. Went in, had up, no hotness and went out, sat outside. No sickness and no pass out.

Try it it worked for me. Just an amazing difference. Life changing!"

Tim, 42
Number of sessions: 1

Before treatment: SUDS scale 10

After treatment: SUDS scale 1

UPDATE: "My son Tim visited the clinic with a very bad phobia with needles and he is 'cured'. Both Tim and I cannot believe it. So I am hoping you may be able to help me. Tim is aware I am coming to see you and he still praises you as you have changed his life."


Treatment for anxiety (travelling):

"I couldn't travel in a car/bus/train (basically anything that moves at more than 40 mph) without experiencing deep discomfort and high levels of anxiety (symptoms such as fast pace breathing and being frozen were experienced whilst using those modes of transport). I didn't enjoy the experience at all. I even had problems with the anticipation of such journeys.


I can now use these modes of transport with much more comfort and little to no anxiety is experienced during the journey. No anxiety is experienced beforehand, I actually look forward to using such modes of transport now.

I thought that these anxieties were something I had to live with but hypnotherapy has given me hope.

We are currently working on my social anxiety and fear of flying. I am very optimistic and look forward to using hypnotherapy as a solution to my fears, phobias and anxieties.

My hypnotherapist is excellent and a great listener who has a natural healing energy and friendly aura about her. I would definitely recommend it to my friends and family.

Hypnotherapy is the way forward!!!"


Imelda, 31
Number of sessions: 2
Before treatment SUDs scale: 8-10

After treatment SUDs scale: 1

Pro Bono Skype client

Update: "As far as the fast travel modes (Car, Bus & Train), I am feeling totally confident and can kind of say "I'm over it. I have not felt any anxiety in the passengers side of the car. I look forward to doing the Fear of Flying session with you soon."


Treatment for 45 year eating disorder (Bulimia):

"Since I saw you a week ago I have seen a marked difference in my attitude towards food.  You said there would be a 'slight shift' and there has been.  I am pleased to say that I eat normally and that 'the box' in my head is not appearing and if there are any signs of it - it disappears quickly.   


I cannot believe the change and because of it, I need to keep monitoring myself as I go through the next few weeks.  If I feel I need any further help then I shall come straight back to you.  I will send you an email in four or five weeks to let you know if I have kept up that 'slight shift'.  It is not that I don't trust it, it is because I have been trying for so long to eat normally that it does not seem possible I can change so quickly.

Many thanks for all your help, I am feeling so much happier with myself and life in general."

Penny, 69

Number of sessions: 1


Before treatment SUDs scale: 10

After treatment SUDs scale: 1

Update: "I am very pleased to advise that I have not reverted back to the behaviour which had been happening for over 45 years.  I am now ‘free of it’ and I feel joyful about it.


I keep praising myself for the way I have handled it because, just sometimes, the thought creeps in, but I talk myself away from it and I can confidently say to you and me that it will never happen again.


Many thanks for your time earlier in the year…….another great success!!

Thank you Neeta. You are inspiring and I would recommend you without question." 

Treatment for limiting beliefs:

"Neeta is incredible...she is naturally positive, uplifting and empowering, setting a calming and safe atmosphere for the work to take place in. Both times I saw her, she took me back to places where I was surprised to find myself, and helped me make missing links to what was happening in my current life (due to past key moments that somehow shifted my beliefs). I didn't even realise those things were affecting me. Knowing this allowed me to take action and allow some healing to take place.

In the second session, I was so relaxed in the first moments of being put into trance, that I nearly fell asleep - something that was due to the deep trust I felt with her from our previous session. I felt safe enough to hand everything over to the work that needed to be done, thanks to her. I highly recommend Neeta - she is a professional, compassionate and skilled hypnotherapist."

Kat, 27

No of sessions: 2

Treatment for coping with the breakdown of a 10 year marriage:

"I heard about Neeta from a friend of mine. Working with Neeta on an issue has been a great experience. I was unaware what to expect as I have never been to a hypnotherapist.

Neeta was very kind and listened to what I needed. Not only a very good hypnotherapist but she also sounded like a very good psychologist. She tried to understand me properly before starting the session.

The one session alone helped me a lot to deal with a long term problem I had. I can't thank her enough for the help and effort. You can see she is doing work with passion! And genuinely cares about your problems and tries her best to achieve good results. I would definitely highly recommend her!

Hypnotherapy made me able to see my underlying problem that I had for years but never thought about it. I cared way to too much about others but I was scared to show my emotions to them. I also forgot to love me first. Now I realize that I have to love myself first in order to be able to give love to others. It has changed my attitude towards life and people I love!

Thank you once again Neeta for all your help!"

Jenani, 35

Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 10
After treatment SUDs scale: 2

Treatment for clearing internal blocks/self-sabotaging behaviour:

"Our session has definitely helped me to be more confident in my choices, and to present myself better because of it!

Today I had another audition that went smoothly without any self-sabotaging habits, thanks to you.

Thank you so much for everything, I am so grateful for this opportunity to change my life and hopefully others to the better as well."

Tina, 27

Number of sessions: 2

Treatment for anxiety and stress:

"Very good! Highly recommend. Definitely feel the benefits."

Jason, 33

Number of sessions: 2
Before treatment SUDs scale: 10

After treatment SUDs scale: 4

Treatment for sexual issues:

"Thanks for your kind words. I am feeling better and better. On the day I felt exhausted, as if a train had run over me. But then I felt better and better, every day :) A time for deep change has risen, it seems to me like I made peace with a part of the past. Much love and thanks again."

Francesca, 42

Number of sessions: 1

Treatment for weight loss and lack of control:

"I do feel a lot better and where there was a deep dark feeling it is replaced by a much better rising feeling which feels good and I am welcoming it.  I am walking around and when I feel this feeling I or have some thoughts they almost automatically turn positive. I  can see that I am happier and even have a smile on my face.  Things seem a lot clearer to me as I am not feeling down all the time.  I am getting more on top of things around the house and that feels good."

Jay, 38

Number of sessions: 1

Treatment for weight loss:

"I had two sessions with Neeta. I found her very professional and approachable. She quickly put me at ease and I felt comfortable and relaxed in her presence. Neeta was fully engaged during each session and I felt as though she genuinely cared. Thank you! !"

Tina, 35

Number of sessions: 2

Treatment for negative emotions:

"Before Hypnotherapy I had big problems with feeling extremely negative and down.

But now those feelings of negativity when things were tough have disappeared from my mind set. I just can't feel like that anymore. I have a positive mind set now.

I recommend hypnosis to everyone."

Bobby, 48

Number of sessions: 1

Treatment for smoking: 

"I wanted to quit smoking, been smoking for almost 10 years and had a very bad cough

I haven't smoked since the treatment.

I  would definitely recommend Neeta"

Samantha, 27

Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 10

After treatment SUDs scale: 1

Treatment for weight gain due to emotional issues:

"Neeta figured out within one session why I was overeating. She was approachable, kind and efficient.

I  would definitely recommend Neeta"

Caroline, 50

Number of sessions: 1

Treatment for anxiety and fear of struggling for breath:

"I couldn't stop worrying about health related issues and anxiety.

But now I can better deal with these issues.

I  would recommend Neeta. Neeta was very accommodating, even running over the scheduled time to help us get the full benefits of the session.

Jamie, 29

Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 8
After treatment SUDs scale: 4

Treatment for insomnia and anxiety:

"Before I had very bad insomnia and felt like I was dependent on cannabis before going to sleep, and I felt very anxious, constantly worrying and doubting myself, putting more pressure on myself to try and overcome things.


Neeta gave me a lot of perspective and made me feel generally more positive, and I believe in myself more which has helped me to overcome things like anxiety and insomnia. Now I don't need to smoke and I can see a change in my sleeping and can see the light at the end of the tunnel to completely overcome insomnia!

I would recommend Neeta. It was a very thorough session where we had a big conversation first before I went under hypnotherapy. So I felt very comfortable and relaxed the whole time. Neeta is a very compassionate person.

I can’t thank you enough for being so supportive and compassionate"

Esme, 22

Number of sessions: 1

Before treatment SUDs scale: 8
After treatment SUDs scale: 3

Treatment for stress, anxiety and excessive drinking:

"Before I couldn't have a peaceful mind for a while, stress and anxiety bothered me. Headache and poor sleeping quality accepted my day-to-day life. I also started drinking excessively, in order to feel safe.

But now I can stay home and feel safe without feeling anxious and I just stopped drinking completely. I've started a really healthy lifestyle.

I would highly recommend Neeta she is so professional and the therapy has helped me."

Vennessa, 35

Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 10
After treatment SUDs scale: 1


Treatment for anxiety and bulimia:

"I wanted to send a quick message to say that I've been doing extremely well after our session about a month ago. 


At first I felt a huge weight had been lifted and felt so clear headed for the first time in months. After the initial wave of freedom I came back down to the reality but, as you had said in our session, there was a subtle yet important change in myself. 


Our session was about my bulimia and I have not felt he urge to make myself sick since or session so I am eternally grateful! I've also noticed that, although I still indulge and even binge and issues still arise with my relationship to food, I don't feel that deep deep guilt that would constantly be tainting my day like I used to. 


So, all I can say is thank you. I would also love to see you again once I have a bit of money to spend! "

Poppy, 24

Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 8
After treatment SUDs scale: 3

Treatment for fear of speaking up/ not being good enough:

"I can say I definitely feel more secure in saying what I want to say or asking things I was afraid to ask before. It feels good to not be trapped in my thoughts and to be able to let them out. There are still some things I have to work on but what has changed is already a great change!

You are an amazing person and I was never able to talk and explain things like I did when we were just talking in the beginning. You have definitely found the right job for yourself! X"

Lee Ann, 36

Number of sessions: 1

Before treatment SUDs scale: 8.5
After treatment SUDs scale: 3

Treatment for 17 year cannabis addiction:

"I was so unhappy smoking and was unable to stop any other way.

I am so happy with my results. I haven't smoked in 5 days now.

Strongly recommend Neeta she was amazing."

Sinead, 31

Number of sessions: 1

Before treatment SUDs scale: 8
After treatment SUDs scale: 4

Treatment for insomnia & being unable to switch mind off:

"I have been sleeping really well since we met, when I go to bed I seem to be unable to think about what I have done in the day so my mind is less active.
I also imagine I am snuggling up into a cosy blanket and as I breathe in it gets tighter around me, this seems to send me off to sleep.

It was really lovely to meet you, I found it really comforting to talk to you, you are very kind.

Thank you so much".

Jemma, 52

Number of sessions: 1

Before treatment SUDs scale: 10
After treatment SUDs scale: 1

Treatment for 15 year sugar addiction and cravings:

"I’m really good and genuinely haven’t craved sugar. Thanks! I can’t believe its had an effect and would love to get in one more session before I go abroad"

Christopher, 31

Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 8
After treatment SUDs scale: 1

Treatment for lifelong fear of swallowing tablets

"Am pleased to report that although the first few times it didn’t take, after a bit of refocusing and remembering the visceral feelings from yesterday, it took a total of 3 minutes to get the pill down! 


Thank you for everything. I’ll be recommending this to anyone who needs help."

Alexandra, 26

Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 6
After treatment SUDs scale: 1

Treatment for fear of public speaking

"I would like to thank you so much for helping my situation.

I have not directly had the chance to public speak but I’m sure it will come in no time. I just feel 10 times better about myself, I couldn’t stop smiling when I left your practice and I’m more confident in myself.

You have changed me for the better and for that, I am very grateful".

James, 28

Number of sessions: 1

Before treatment SUDs scale: 6
After treatment SUDs scale: 1

Treatment for lack of self-confidence and life coaching:

"Neeta is amazingly patient and co-operative! Excellent session for me! With her experience in and knowledge of psychology, she could compartmentalise the stream of many issues that were troubling me. She came up with practical solutions to encourage the active changes required in my perspectives along with focusing on the bigger picture.

I am calmer, confident and aware of the problematic behavioural patterns that I'm working on.

One session may be good enough for many but I would book another session soon to work on details.

There is after session support available in case someone needs perspective or help"

Sim, 44

Number of sessions: 1

Treatment for concentration and relaxation:

"Neeta is absolutely AMAZING. WOW I have never been so comfortable at this kind of appointment before. Neeta is so easy to talk to, she has a way of listening  to you but making you feel heard and understood. She boosts you with her words and you can tell that she means every word that she says. Her technique of Hypnosis is fantastic. I left her office truly happy and recommend her to everyone."

Christine, 57

Number of sessions: 1

Before treatment SUDs scale: 8-10

After treatment SUDs scale: 1-2

Treatment for self-confidence:

"The morning after I had the treatment, I woke up two hours ahead of my alarm clock - I felt completely lifted, clear and positive. I could feel the effects already of hypnotherapy.

Thanks so much to Neeta for sharing her knowledge and time. The experience was definitely healing, powerful and I can't wait to carry forward with the new [custom] affirmations and lightness! 

I can't recommend this service enough! 

Thanks so much to you guys for the great work that you do! "

Sorcha, 34

Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 9

After treatment SUDs scale: 2

Treatment for extreme anxiety when travelling or planning a holiday:

"This has been affecting me for more than 20 years. It bought on fear and panic and on many occasions made me cancel trips with my family.


I contacted Neeta as a I wanted to change this around and become ‘normal’ enjoying and looking forward to going away.


My session was fantastic and I was listened to in great detail. I feel it has given me a greater sense of relaxation when I think about my problem and I don’t feel the panic as I used to when thinking ahead on planning my trip.


I am yet to book my tickets for this years trip and I’m sure it will be a success. There was no pressure from Neeta to book me for more treatment on the contrary my fantastic therapist said this should be all I need. Highly recommended session. Thank you


Neeta has a great understanding and time given to listen to your problems in detail. They really are fantastic in their approach, they give you the whole explanation how your mind controls you and how this experience will change you to feeling better and conquering your fear.

Do try it!"

Lisa, 52

Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 9

After treatment SUDs scale: 1

Treatment for smoking cannabis and lack of motivation:

"It was really great.  Neeta is really amazing. I was actually shocked by how great it went. She's a wizard! I feel so grateful to have met her!"

Nick, 34
Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 9

After treatment SUDs scale: 1

Treatment for anxiety:

"Neeta was wonderful to work with and her style of hypnotherapy is very different from what I had seen before and what I imagined. It's powerful. I had a very emotional session, but I must say that I feel a shift, not sure what at the moment as I have had a mixture of emotions today - but i'm sure the next few days/weeks will show. Excited about the future after my session! ❤️👊 Thank you SO much.

Claire,  30
Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 9

After treatment SUDs scale: 3

Treatment to move forward with an open and positive attitude:

"I sought treatment because I have had a very rough past 12 months in which my mother died, I lost my best friend of 20 yrs, I lost my dog and I was attacked badly in the face by another dog. I felt friendless and completely alone in the world and had no one who knew or cared for me, at least not like my mom or my friend did and felt that I would never have someone like that again in my life.


I cried often and lost motivation and belief in myself that I could do things and succeed in my current business endeavours.


My session with Neeta was extremely helpful and I feel I have greatly benefited from it. I cried a lot but I felt like I will be able to let some of these painful feelings of loneliness, see-doubt, hopelessness, go. I even referred my sister to have a session and cant recommend their services highly enough. 

Neeta listened and read between the lines of everything I told her even the smallest details and I really appreciated that and found it comforting. 

This was my first successful attempt at hypnotherapy and has renewed my faith in it. I will continue to have sessions with Neeta as often as I can. 

I do feel better than I did before I had the session and it has allowed me to stop being so hard on myself, dwelling on unimportant things and try to move forward and just make general progress.

During the session, you feel that Neeta is a kind, compassionate friend who really knows you and therefore can help you."

Jennefer, 47
Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 9

After treatment SUDs scale: 1

Treatment for fear of failure:

"I've always had a strong fear of failure and a lack of belief in myself since I can remember. It's held me back particularly in business as I haven't gone for opportunities or marketed myself.

Recently in particular, with social media being an important part of marketing now, a fear of not wanting to be seen or to get it wrong has held me back.


It's a subtle difference that it's hard to put my finger on but after just one session with Neeta I have come up with a plan for my social media and started implementing it. This is a big step for me as I've wasted a lot of time procrastinating in the past.

I'm still a bit nervous about putting myself out there but I'm sure now I'm actually doing it that will go down even more over time.

I'm also more comfortable with the idea of telling people what I do and using what's unique about me to make my marketing stand out.


Neeta is very generous. She really took time to talk with me and understand the problem. She also went above and beyond giving me lots of advice and ideas for my business.


I would thoroughly recommend Neeta."

Rachel, 43
Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 8

After treatment SUDs scale: 2

Treatment to stop drinking:

"I've had one session to date with lovely Neeta, this appears to be all that I need at the moment, which has pleasantly surprised me.

I have since recommended Neeta to a couple of family members and I will continue to recommend her to anyone who needs to change certain actions in their life but have a mindset blockage.

Thank you for your help Neeta. My session with you has had such a positive effect on me which I know will have a profound impact on my family. Thank you x"

Claire, 49
Number of sessions: 1

Before treatment SUDs scale: 7

After treatment SUDs scale: 1

Treatment for obsessive negative thoughts:

"The first hour with Neeta, before we even started the hypnosis, was really valuable. Neeta is a great listener, she's non-judgemental, able to make connections in what i was saying, and a great source of encouragement. I don't often open up like that with people, but she created a wonderful space that enabled me to do so and I felt lighter as a result.


I've been thinking about the 3 drivers of life she mentioned; control, love and approval. I recognise that the latter is the area which triggers my negative thinking - this was helpful to 'label' as a specific area to work on (generally we tend to catastrophise everything, but this helped me to focus on one area and understand what's driving it).


I felt very relaxed post the session and had a deep night's sleep.


It was also helpful to read the post session assessment, in fact I've read it a few times as Neeta's words are affirming (a greater part of me now needs to believe them!)


I do continue to experience the obsessive negative thoughts, and am trying a few things in the session we discussed to build further on this - I think it will be a case of trial and error until I find something that resonates.     


Please do let Neeta know it was an absolute pleasure to meet her, she is someone special, and has an wonderful aura!"

Parul, 39
Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 8

After treatment SUDs scale: 3

Treatment for opening night nerves:

"Neeta...You are just an absolute dream. I did it! And it went really well. I was in the moment and the audience really loved the show! Like really loved it.


I feel resilient and excited and I felt like i was a kid again. It was just so much fun!

The writer was really delighted and it was a really good opening night.

I felt nervous (to be expected) but felt able to accept them and accept them as just that. Any time a niggling part of me crept in I just chose to ignore it.

And whenever i felt a moment slip I just listened and we discussed.

I felt nervous before i went on backstage and tossed an apple to myself and did that little ritual. It was great.

I feel buzzing. Thank you so much

It was lovely to speak with you again

James xx"

James,  26
Number of sessions: 1
Before treatment SUDs scale: 9

After treatment SUDs scale: 2

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